Onyx Behavioral Health Admin

Articles written by Onyx Behavioral Health Admin

Content Contributor

The Onyx Behavioral Health Editorial Team includes content experts that contribute to this online publication. Editors and mental health experts review our blogs carefully for accuracy and relevance. We reference authority organizations such as The National Institute of Mental Health and NAMI for the latest research, data, and news to provide our readers with the most up-to-date mental illness and recovery-related content.
Can Lack of Sleep Cause Anxiety?

Can Lack of Sleep Cause Anxiety?

Sleep deprivation is much more harmful than you might think. Sure, everyone knows that not getting enough shuteye makes you sluggish and irritable the next day, and it’s no secret that too little sleep causes a similar cognitive impairment as someone who’s been...

FAQ about Depression

FAQ about Depression

Depression is one of the most common mental illnesses in America, affecting an estimated 21 million adults. The consequences can be devastating both for those diagnosed as well as their loved ones, taking a toll on people’s ability to work or maintain relationships,...

The Benefits of Good Mental Health

The Benefits of Good Mental Health

Mental health is our mental and social well-being. When we’re in a good place mentally, we’re more equipped to navigate life’s challenges, contribute to our communities, and find fulfillment in all areas. But despite the World Health Organization considering mental...

International Stress Awareness Day

International Stress Awareness Day

International Stress Awareness Day is celebrated on the first Wednesday of November. The movement started over 20 years ago with the  International Stress Management Association (ISMA), a British organization focused on identifying and minimizing stress...

Signs of Depression in Men

Signs of Depression in Men

Depression often wears a different mask in men. While it can affect both men and women, the way it manifests can differ greatly between genders. These differences stem from biological factors and societal expectations, often shaping how men express or suppress their...

Mental Health Treatment for Adults

Mental Health Treatment for Adults

Mental health treatment for adults is as important as physical health for our quality of life, relationships, and overall well-being. However, mental illnesses can develop at any stage of life due to a combination of social, economic, and individual factors. As a...

Rare Forms of OCD

Rare Forms of OCD

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a complex mental health condition characterized by intrusive thoughts, obsessions, and repetitive behaviors or compulsions. While you might be familiar with the more common manifestations of OCD such as excessive hand-washing or...