Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is an evidence-based form of psychotherapy that aims to transform dysfunctional emotions, behaviors, and thoughts by recognizing negative or irrational beliefs. This approach focuses on present time and reality and doesn’t thoroughly delve into childhood or past trauma.

How Does Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Work?

CBT’s treatment style is rooted in the understanding that our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are interconnected. Many therapists who support CBT believe that thoughts and perceptions influence behavior; therefore, a licensed professional will work with a resident to identify triggers that result in anxiety. These sessions aim to improve mental well-being by addressing negative thought patterns and behavior. Whereas in the ACT form of therapy, the therapist aims to accept negative thoughts and tools to work around them, while in the CBT form of therapy, the focus is on transforming those negative thought patterns.

Originally, CBT started to treat depression, but research indicates that it can address a wide array of conditions such as anxiety, post-traumatic disorder, and phobias. Research has shown this approach to be effective in both traditional face-to-face sessions and telehealth appointments.

The 3 Basic Principles of CBT

  • Core beliefs: Childhood experiences that are deeply rooted in how we view ourselves, our environment, and our future.
  • Dysfunctional assumptions: As a whole, we tend to cling to negative beliefs more than positive ones. These cognitive distortions are irrational thought patterns that distort our perception of reality.
  • Automatic negative thoughts: involuntary negative perceptions that affect our reality. Strive to reframe automatic negative thoughts through mindfulness tools.

Is CBT Right For Me?

Deciding if Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is the right choice for you involves considering a few key factors. If you’re grappling with negative thought patterns, anxiety, depression, or behavioral challenges, CBT’s structured approach might offer practical solutions. Its evidence-based nature could align with your preference for proven techniques. CBT’s hands-on methods suit you well if you’re motivated to actively participate in your therapeutic journey, engage in self-reflection, and practice new skills.

Additionally, if you’re seeking a relatively brief, goal-oriented therapy focused on managing current challenges and equipping you with coping tools, CBT could be a suitable fit. It’s always a good idea to consult a mental health professional who can assess your specific needs and help you determine whether CBT aligns with your unique circumstances and goals. Remember, finding the right therapy is a personalized process, and the ultimate decision should be based on what resonates best with your preferences and needs.

Benefits of CBT


Identify and overcome daily stressors and triggers


Improve the quality of life


Build stronger and healthier relationships


Learn how to implement boundaries


Recognize past traumas and work through them


Personalized sessions with a licensed professional


Develop healthy coping strategies


Change patterns for a healthier future


Increase self-awareness


Creating a support network

Breaking The Cycle With Onyx

Scheduling an individual therapy session can seem daunting, especially with such stigma around mental illness. Creating a safe space between yourself and a professional can be a life-changing experience as you delve deeper into life’s triggers while improving your overall wellness, mentally and emotionally.

Discover Healing with Onyx Behavioral Health

At Onyx Behavioral Health, we work to empower our residents to become productive citizens and stable individuals in their respective environments. We hope to guide and ground you in repairing your mind, body, and soul.
Begin Healing