Mental Health Rehab Near Fort Lauderdale

An individual’s mental state can impact everything about their life: physical health, relationships, daily productivity, and more! When a mental illness takes over, getting help might be necessary. Have you considered a mental health rehab facility near Fort Lauderdale?

Treatment Options in Ft. Lauderdale

When someone is struggling with their mental health, it can often manifest in physical ways. So a great place to start may be checking in with your primary care provider. They can help evaluate and rule out a potential physical condition.

Another great option it to connect with a mental health counselor. You may meet at a set schedule and frequency would vary based on your individual needs.

However, when these outpatient options are not sufficent, there are other options. In, severe cases and if there is a risk of self harm or harm to others, an inpatient hospital stay may be in order.

For Fort Luaderdale residents who do not need a hospital stay but require more than outpatient treatment offers, a residential mental health rehab may be the answer. This includes treatment for:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Borderline Personality Disorder
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  • Trauma Disorders

Benefits of Residential Treatment

  • Safe & Supportive Living Environment
  • More Rapid Progress
  • Less Stigma
  • Change of Pace & Scenery

Directions to Our Mental Health Rehab

Onyx Behavioral Health is less than 2 hours from Fort Lauderdale when driving in a car. There are 2 reasonable routes, via I-95 (95miles) or via the Florida Turnpike (96 miles).

Local Ft. Lauderdale Mental Health Resources

In addition to our mental health rehab near Fort Lauderdale, these local resources can be helpful to individual who struggle with mental illness and their loved ones.

If you are experiencing an emergency, dial 911 to connect with your local emergency services.

The National Alliance on Mental Illness has a local Broward County page loaded with local resources including support group meetings, individual providers, educational information, and more. Check them out at